Listen to this podacast on NotebookLM! The article highlights the development of sustainable, cellulose-based paper batteries by numerous Nordic and international research institutions and...
In partnership with Aalto University and Finnish industrial collaborators (see below), VTT has introduced groundbreaking technology for shaping cardboard into origami-inspired structures through a...
The Kreuger 1000 (pictured above) is made in Sweden by Nordic Air Defence, (NAD). It is a dual-use drone interceptor platform that uses batteries instead of fuel-based propulsion. In our...
As a writer your correspondent loves using paper to write outlines, stories and articles, but the words still need to get in a digital format... … Introducing reMarkable that emulates paper –...
We have recently published a study on the effectiveness of English language press releases to secure international visibility from Nordic companies. The study acknowledges that companies, both large...
Water Linked, in Norway, manufacture a range of underwater acoustic products for underwater communication developed with smart IoT technology. The products are based on reliable and affordable...
Novatron Fusion Group is working on a Nordic perspective on the global fusion energy landscape, emphasizing the urgent need to industrialize commercial fusion energy. Fusion energy is one of...
ICEYE, the global leader in SAR satellite operations for Earth Observation and persistent monitoring, has introduced Dwell Precise, a new imaging mode that adds advanced capability to ICEYE’s line...
Business Finland has launched the Digital Resilience program, aimed at strengthening Finland’s role in global cybersecurity and digital defence. Running until 2028, the program will allocate...
Nordic innovations in developing “bird radars” can reduce the disturbing impact wind turbines have on bird nesting and feeding from the operating noise and the blade movement, as well as the...
Mikko Kärkkäinen, Johanna Småros, and Michael Falck are the innovative minds behind RELEX Solutions. Their expertise and vision have changed retail planning and supply chain management worldwide....