ICEYE, the global leader in SAR satellite operations for Earth Observation and persistent monitoring, has introduced Dwell Precise, a new imaging mode that adds advanced capability to ICEYE’s line of Dwell products and builds on the release of Dwell Fine in March 2024. D
Dwell Precise provides a 25-centimeter resolution and is based on the 1200 MHz radar bandwidth announced earlier this year. 1200 MHz is currently the maximum that commercial satellites are allowed to use.
ICEYE’s Dwell Precise uniqueness comes from the combination of high-quality data with high resolution, and it will make a difference when the identification of smaller objects or targets is required, e.g. types of vehicles and types of military equipment, without the need for additional intelligence sources.
As a SAR satellite orbits the Earth its radar signals focus on a specific area of the planet’s surface to create an image based on return data. Like other modes in the Dwell product line, Dwell Precise data are taken from a much more comprehensive range of angles, allowing it to spot objects through tree cover and foliage.