A groundbreaking collaboration has been announced between Novatron Fusion Group and Oxford Sigma, aiming to push the boundaries of fusion power plant design and development. This strategic partnership marks a pivotal step in the journey toward scalable and sustainable fusion energy, combining innovative technology and advanced materials science.
Novatron Fusion Group, a Swedish company founded in 2019 and headquartered in Stockholm, is making significant strides in fusion energy research with its proprietary NOVATRON reactor design. The NOVATRON employs an open-field confinement approach, offering a stable magnetic plasma confinement solution. The company is constructing its first plasma stability test facility, NOVATRON 1 (N1), at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. This facility is instrumental in validating key scientific principles and advancing the NOVATRON reactor concept.
The collaboration with Oxford Sigma enhances this progress by integrating expertise in fusion materials, systems engineering, and reactor core design. Oxford Sigma, based in Oxford, UK, is internationally recognized for its pioneering work in fusion materials technology. Their mission focuses on delivering materials solutions and design services to address energy security and climate change challenges. The company’s advanced materials are engineered to support longer-term operations of fusion pilot plants, facilitating the commercialization of fusion energy.
Together, the two organizations aim to overcome the technical challenges that have historically hindered the widespread adoption of fusion power. The partnership will streamline engineering processes and leverage Oxford Sigma’s manufacturing capabilities to develop the next generation of fusion reactors.
Leadership from both companies has highlighted the importance of collaboration in achieving these ambitious goals. “Working with Oxford Sigma brings invaluable expertise to the development of the NOVATRON,” stated Josefin Sjöbohm, Project Leader at Novatron. Similarly, Dr. Alasdair Morrison, CTO of Oxford Sigma, expressed optimism about leveraging their fusion materials expertise in this partnership.
Fusion power is often referred to as the “holy grail” of energy, offering a clean, abundant, and safe energy source. This collaboration underscores a shared commitment to making fusion energy a reality for industrial and societal applications worldwide. With combined knowledge, resources, and a vision for the future, Novatron Fusion Group and Oxford Sigma are well-positioned to accelerate the journey toward reliable fusion energy.
For more information, visit Novatron Fusion Group and Oxford Sigma.
Photo: Novatron Fusion Group is rapidly advancing the construction of its first official plasma stability test facility – the NOVATRON 1 (N1) – at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.